Still Not Being Paid? Here Is Why and What Can Be Done! Eight New CPT Codes for Applied Behavioral Analytics Services Became Effective January 1, 2019

The American Medical Association CPT Editorial Panel released eight standardized and permanent codes for billing applied behavioral analytics (ABA) therapy services that became effective January 1, 2019. For the first time, adaptive behavior services are standardized for the purposes of billing and payment for those services by CMS and other third-party payors. This should be …

App Users Beware: Most Healthcare, Fitness Tracker, and Wellness Apps Are Not Covered by HIPAA and HHS’s New FAQs Makes That Clear

Individuals who use healthcare apps such as fitness trackers, weight loss, wellness, exercise, etc., BEWARE! A couple of recent developments have highlighted the fact that most apps are not subject to HIPAA, which means that with broadly-worded privacy policy these healthcare apps can and do readily share healthcare and other data collected by the apps …