New CMS “Guidance” – Clear As Mud

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently issued new guidance for healthcare providers on documenting and reporting electronic clinical quality measures (“eCQMs”) for telehealth encounters.  The new guidance was intended to provide clarity but may in fact lead to more confusion about what claims will be reimbursed if provided by telehealth methods as opposed …

CARES Act Expands Funding and Medicare Coverage For Telehealth Services

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act, recently passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump, provides a number of important expansions of telehealth coverage during the public health emergency affecting those in rural areas and home health care patients and establishes significant funding for enhancement of telehealth services by updating …

As Telemedicine Soars, Reimbursement for Telemedicine Services Slowly Evolve

The use of telemedicine has soared in recent years, as new technologies develop and consumer demand for instant access to healthcare increases.  Indeed, the telemedicine market is expected to grow to $113.1 billion by 2025, at an estimated compound annual growth rate of 18.8%.  It is expected that at least 7 million patients in the …

Telehealth Resource Centers Are an Invaluable Resource for Providers Developing Telemedicine Programs

As information spreads regarding the many benefits to telemedicine, health care providers wanting to adopt a telemedicine program face a daunting web of complex questions: Which telehealth services are best suited to my patient’s and practice’s needs? What technology equipment should be purchased? Which vendor should I use? And how can I secure reimbursement? Although …

Practicing Telemedicine Across State Borders: New Expedited Licenses Permit Physicians to Expand Practice

By: Marki Stewart In a watershed moment for the expansion of telemedicine, the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission is now processing applications to allow physicians to practice telemedicine across state lines with greater ease.  Nineteen states have passed legislation to adopt the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, which allows physicians to obtain a license to practice …

The Alphabet Soup of Healthcare: Let’s Dig In!

Join Dickinson Wright’s international healthcare team of attorneys for “The Alphabet Soup of Healthcare: Let’s Dig In!” webinar on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This comprehensive half-day webinar will cover topics such as cybersecurity, behavioral health, compliance, telemedicine, strategic alliances and compensation structures. Topics that will be discussed include: Humans: …