Healthcare Provider Fined for Disclosing PHI in Response to a Yelp! Review

When healthcare providers are subject to a bad review on Yelp! or similar customer-review websites and apps, it can be difficult to hold back and not provide a response or at least attempt to clarify the situation. However, healthcare providers, including dental providers, must ensure that employees who handle their social media, including customer-review websites …

App Users Beware: Most Healthcare, Fitness Tracker, and Wellness Apps Are Not Covered by HIPAA and HHS’s New FAQs Makes That Clear

Individuals who use healthcare apps such as fitness trackers, weight loss, wellness, exercise, etc., BEWARE! A couple of recent developments have highlighted the fact that most apps are not subject to HIPAA, which means that with broadly-worded privacy policy these healthcare apps can and do readily share healthcare and other data collected by the apps …

How Employers Can Handle Their Biggest Threat to Data Privacy, Their Employees

Given the ever-expanding landscape of privacy laws and regulations, employers are becoming increasingly aware that they are responsible for data breaches caused by their employees. When looking to formally put obligations upon employees to modify employee conduct, employers tend to start with policy, such as in an employee handbook to allow a means of internal …