There is a New Sheriff in Town: Class Action Enforcement and Implementation of the 2008 Parity Act

In 2008, Congress enacted the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addition Equity Act (“Parity Act”). In essence, the Parity Act necessitates that financial requirements and treatment limitations imposed on mental health and substance use disorder benefits cannot be more restrictive than the financial requirements and treatment limitations that apply to medical/surgical …

The Importance of Putting Patient Care Above Profits

Erica A. Erman recently authored the article, “The importance of putting patient care above profits,” for Physicians Practice. The article discusses the case Wit v. United Behavioral Health and highlights eight principles that the court found to be generally accepted standards of care among behavioral professionals. “The importance of accessible quality behavioral health services is …

Court Rules UBH Coverage Guidelines a Monumental Fixer-Upper

Earlier this month, on March 5, 2019, the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California filed a 106-page Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in the class action Wit v. United Behavioral Health (“UBH”). Here are the highlights: Under ERISA, Plaintiffs asserted two claims against UBH based on UBH’s Level of Care …